Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Origin & Symbolism of the Merry Christmas Pickle

the Origin Story: 

In those days there were Christmas breads & Christmas cookies in abundance for all of the Choosey people. Their Recipes multiplied.

“Fear not!”said the Choosey people, “For we shall join a gym in January when they have all those special offers!” Oftimes, the Choosiest among them made Real Eggnog with heavy cream & raw eggs, in order to exhibit the authenticity of their merry-making.

“Good tidings!”…they cried, “For the Rum shall kill the Salmonella, if there is any, which we’re pretty sure there isn’t.” All were glad for the giving, receiving & consuming of these rare treats for the entire month of December because:

“It’s Christmas!”

And yet, January always came with bitter cold & relentless news coverage of the pounds gained by Americans between Thanksgiving & the New Year. The Choosey people would listen & silently wonder: “Is that all?”

Then, finally, a long time ago in 2006, one of the Choosey people decided to create a new tradition. While she did not want to be a grinchy killjoy, she chose to not surround herself with butter, sugar & flour for a whole month. She’ had an idea to make a festive Christmas vegetable, something relatively healthful & vibrantly colorful, which might be homemade, wrapped with care & given to dear friends.

Thus the first Merry Christmas Pickles came into the world.

the Symbolism contained within: 

The meaning of each jar of Merry Christmas Pickles is far deeper than their lovely red,green & white color scheme. 

Remember this as you take, & eat:

Green Cucumbers = God-made-Flesh or Son-of-God. (Pick one or make-up your own joke.)
White Onions = Immaculate Conception or the Multilayered, Eye-stinging Quality of Humanity’s Constant Longing for Divine Intervention.
Red Bell Peppers = Blood. (In religious symbolism something must represent blood.)
Mustard Seeds = Us

Merry Christmas to all!